quinta-feira, 15 de abril de 2021

The Fog

Like ghosts coming out from the fog, the giants and majestic buildings irromps in the skyline gathering the attention from everybody who are contemplating.

The silence imposes himself over the normal sounds of the city, in a moment everything disappears, only these giants remains there, still, quiet.

But, suddenly, they start moving, they start dancing. A music start to play, firstly low, almost imperceptibly, but slowly get louder and louder.

Now we can distinguish the piano echoing by the square, the sad and at the same time joyful chords of the music combine in harmony with the old and new mixture of architecture.

In a breach of the fog a figure appears playing the keyboard while floating in the gentle breeze, his passion is moving his fingers over the keys.

The music follows the wind, now slowly... now speedy, one time high... other time low, majestic and romantic, she mix with the fog and echoes endlessly.

The love, the same love who make this man to state that his heart should stay forever in the city he loved, the LOVE is everywhere dissolved in the fog. 

Stay well on the Dark Side Of The Moon.

This was my first poem written in english, and his dedicated to my beautiful and dear wife

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